Talk4Healing: 1.855.554.HEALFem'aide: 1.877.336.2433Assaulted Women's Helpline:1.866.863.0511

Two things need to occur to end violence against women; we need women’s equality and we need to hold men accountable for their violence. Currently, society does not hold men accountable, they blame women and the systems designed to support abused women also hold women accountable or create so many barriers women give up and return to abusive situations. I believe a first step is to get men to see VAW as a man’s issue and have men hold violent men accountable for their violence while supporting women’s advocates.
— Research Participant, Traps and Gaps

Traps & Gaps

Community safety and well being plan


COVID 19 and violence against women

26 March 2020

Housing insecurity and justice system involvement among women in the Thunder Bay region

December 2019

Masculine trans, non-binary and two-spirit gender-based violence - an argument for inclusion in women’s shelters

Ontario femicide data sets

December 2020 – September 2021

Paternal filicide and coercive control reviewing the evidence in Cotton v Berry


Thunder Bay women's court watch program


Thunder Bay women's court watch program


Unfounded sexual assault women's experiences of not being believed by the police