Since 1986, the Thunder Bay and District Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse has worked to improve the development and coordination of services for those affected by violence against women.
Our Vision
We envision a community where women and children are safe, valued and free from abuse.
We recognize the gendered and racialized nature of intimate partner violence, and work collaboratively to effect necessary change at the systems level.
We believe that everyone is ultimately accountable for the safety of women and children, and we support the sharing of appropriate information in effort to ensure it.
We value diversity, believe in shared responsibility, and actively engage in respectful collaboration at our table and within our community.
Our Mission
The Thunder Bay and District Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse is a longstanding cross-sectoral committee that works with a network of individuals, groups and organizations to establish and support a comprehensive and effective community response to end woman abuse. As a Domestic Violence Community Coordinating Committee, we receive some funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. We became a non-profit corporation in 2009 and, as always, continue to operate as an independent committee.
We acknowledge the Traditional Territory on which we learn, work and live, and our membership is intentionally diverse in effort to reflect our community. In addition to substantial representation from the VAW sector, our members work within institutions and community-based organizations addressing public health, settlement/immigration, child welfare, trauma, mental health, education, Aboriginal women, victim services, feminist advocacy, and corrections and law enforcement.
Informed by an Anti-Oppressive and Anti-Racist framework, and guided by an elected Board of Directors, we aim:
- To ensure that there is an effective and coordinated response to violence against women in Thunder Bay and the surrounding District;
- To ensure that the fundamental causes of violence against women and children, whether perpetrated by institutional or social structures, patriarchy, social policies or agencies are addressed within the system’s response to woman abuse;
- To advocate for changes in laws and policies that govern systemic responses to violence against women.