| (807) 345-0450 | P.O. BOX 10172, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T7
Have questions? Ask us anything!
NOTE: The Coordinating Committee meets ten times per year to collaboratively address issues related to woman abuse at a systems level. If you need one-to-one support, please contact one of the following crisis services: Assaulted Women’s Helpline – 1-866-863-0511 | Fem’aide – 1-877-336-2433 | Talk-4-Healing – 1-855-554-HEAL | Faye Peterson House 345-0450 or 1-800-465-6971 | Beendigen Crisis Line – 1-888-200-9997 | Thunder Bay – 807-346-HELP (4357)
(Note: this contact form would go straight to